Sunday, May 8, 2016

Spotting satellites idea

Spotting satellites.

In a video of the BBC, they said that satellites can be observed from earrh with the naked eye. Objects of one square meter or more would be visible according their report. And there would be many people over the world spotting these satellites.

So i searched for some video's to prove this claim. After some searching i found some short video's that showed the ISS, but on whole YouTube i could find maybe ten of these short and blurry video's, which were absolutely not convincing as real.
At last i saw a video of someone that made a video to show that it is  very easy to fake a video of the ISS passing by.

So by knowing this, all i should do is to go out one night and try to spot something in the sky that is lit up, not flashes as a plane and moves faster than a plane. Than i can prove once and for all that satellites are a hoax. This is to confirm this for myself only as another confirmation.
The results of this observations are coming soon.

- Mediocre Monday

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