Sunday, May 8, 2016

Spotting satellites and star gazing 8-5-2016

Spotting satellites and star gazing 8-5-2016

Tonight i'm going to give it a try: spotting satellites! With my Canon (35× optical zoom) i will try to see if what i see in the night sky is actually a satellite. With the description of the reporter of the BBC it should be a piece of cake to see them.

Of course i'm going to film the things i see and report my findings on this blog and on my youtube channel.

Also i will film some stars. The last time i filmed them, there were very beautiful colors to see on them. Now with better equipment the quality of the video will be much higher. In my opinion, after seeing this with my own eyes i believe that stars are definitely no suns. About this i will also post my observations

- Mediocre Monday

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