Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Evolution | Evil - Lucion Documentary

Evolution | Evil - Lucion Documentary

This documentary is about the lie of evolution, or evil – lucion as some pronounce it. This is to make people aware of the evil and deception of this theory.
If you really believe that we came from nothing out of nowhere and we are insignificant beings with no purpose, I especially recommend you to watch this documentary, Because you have been lied to! If you want to keep fooling yourself by believing that, you can move on now and pretend that there is no other explanation of our existence. Or you can take one hour to think about something that really matters, maybe you will learn something new.
The following things will be discussed: ‘’ Problems with the theory of evolution’’, ‘’ evil - lucion lies’’, ‘’The evil roots of evil - lucion’’ and The connection between evil - lucion, the big bang and heliocentrism’’.

Made by:
- Mediocre Monday

Thursday, May 19, 2016

Evolution, evil - lucion documentary idea

I'm recently working on a new documentarty about evolution. This documentary will be about the problems with this theory, the evil roots of evolution and i think about how this connects to the big bang and heliocentrism. This will be done from my vieuwpoint and how i see it. 

How it exactly is going to be is not clear yet, but it will be finished in a couple of weeks. I also want to talk all the chapters together for a more clear message to the viewers.

When it is ready, it will also be posted on this blog.

- Mediocre Monday

Thursday, May 12, 2016

You should ask questions

I thought about this the last time: Why do people ask so few questions?

When I'm at the study there are many people who never ask questions. When i ask people if they believe evolution or the big bang they always say something like: "scientists have investigated this, so it must be true" or "there is a lot of evidence that proves it is true" or "I don't think about this stuff, i'm just living"

It is just unbelievable that people buy this pseudoscience without questioning it. How can they blindly believe those so-called scientists!? Because after all who did ever see evoluton or the big bang happen or did see the earth from a milion miles away? - no one.

The big bang, evolution and what NASA does are nothing more than pseudo science!

If you think how i did come to this conclusion, i would recommend you to research. Yes, research. Use your common sense and research the big bang and evolution and you may start to see that it cannot be true. And it is just a theory of how something might have been happened. Also research NASA. Watch their pictures, investigate satellites, watch their footage and compare. And you will start to see that nothing adds up with NASA.

My point here is not that you need to investigate everything i mentioned, what i want is that you may start to see that there might be a possibillity that not always the truth is being told about what we are, where we are and where we came from.

I wish you the best with researching. This is what you need to do: Ask questions!

Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Star Gazing 2016 - Results

Star Gazing 2016

I went to film some stars on 8-5-2016. These images are filmed with a Canon PowerShot SX40 HS (35X optical zoom) I tried to avoid movement while filming but it is harder than i thought.

The stars that are shown in this video flash and change colors like a disco ball. They are definitely no suns as those so-called scientists of NASA claim.

Different colors of just one star i filmed

Video of my star gazing 

Made by:
- Mediocre Monday

Sunday, May 8, 2016

Spotting satellites and star gazing 8-5-2016

Spotting satellites and star gazing 8-5-2016

Tonight i'm going to give it a try: spotting satellites! With my Canon (35× optical zoom) i will try to see if what i see in the night sky is actually a satellite. With the description of the reporter of the BBC it should be a piece of cake to see them.

Of course i'm going to film the things i see and report my findings on this blog and on my youtube channel.

Also i will film some stars. The last time i filmed them, there were very beautiful colors to see on them. Now with better equipment the quality of the video will be much higher. In my opinion, after seeing this with my own eyes i believe that stars are definitely no suns. About this i will also post my observations

- Mediocre Monday

Spotting satellites idea

Spotting satellites.

In a video of the BBC, they said that satellites can be observed from earrh with the naked eye. Objects of one square meter or more would be visible according their report. And there would be many people over the world spotting these satellites.

So i searched for some video's to prove this claim. After some searching i found some short video's that showed the ISS, but on whole YouTube i could find maybe ten of these short and blurry video's, which were absolutely not convincing as real.
At last i saw a video of someone that made a video to show that it is  very easy to fake a video of the ISS passing by.

So by knowing this, all i should do is to go out one night and try to spot something in the sky that is lit up, not flashes as a plane and moves faster than a plane. Than i can prove once and for all that satellites are a hoax. This is to confirm this for myself only as another confirmation.
The results of this observations are coming soon.

- Mediocre Monday