Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Why Lie: My own interpretation

This is my own interpretation about why they would lie to us:

So why would NASA and the other space agency's lie about the shape of earth?
They want us to believe we came from nothing out of nowhere, for no reason. The globe earth and the illusion of space has been made to make this in your mind an acceptable idea. They want us to think we came here because of coincidence and that we are insignificant. However the truth is the opposite, with all these things...

We did not came from nothing out of nowhere, we are not insignificant and we have a purpose! Earth is not a spinning ball, it is geostationary, not moving and there is no curvature to be measured or observed. NASA lies not about one thing, but everything is a lie. But the ultimate goal is to make us believe that there is no GOD.

- Mediocre Monday

Flat Earth Encounters Globe believers

Flat Earth Encounters Globe believers

Just a funny video i made. Flat earthers encounter globe believers on the way who really think that they know the truth and dismiss everything that challenges their beliefs without even researching or listening to what is being said.

Made by:
Mediocre Monday

My YouTube story - Mediocre Monday

My YouTube story - Mediocre Monday

It began in the last months of 2014 when i started this channel; Mediocre Monday, just for fun. I uploaded some random and funny videos and watched other video's.
When watching random video's that seemed interesting, i came across video's about 9/11 saying it was an inside job. I have had doubts about the mainstream media story for a long time, but after investigating a lot on this subject, i'm convinced about this event being planned long before, and we have been lied to by the media. 
Because of this i asked God to reveal the truth to me and show it. Than a very interesting time began with a lot of research for months. I began to question and test many things that have been told to us. To see if it was actually true or not. I came across many subjects after investigating 9/11. A couple of these things were: the assassination of JFK, Apollo moon landings, the Illuminati, symbolism and controlled media. I even began to question my own beliefs.
At last i came to the subject flat earth, this sounded very strange and made not much sense when i thought about this idea, but after i have seen a video of someone claiming that there were no real pictures of the whole globe, and that satellites were not real i really started investigating the subject and i found that there were already some people making video's about this. I looked at evidence of the flat earth and how you can proof this. I tried to find something to prove the globe, but i could not do this without looking at what nasa says is real. I started to see all the lies of nasa and how they make the illusion of zero gravity, the few images of te whole earth from nasa are just composite images, they even say this on their own website.
After finding a lot of truth in these subjects i started to make video's about it, this is to make people aware of it and to share information.
I want to do this from a biblical perspective, because what is described in the word of God is the greatest truth that can be found. And it is clear to me that the enemy will do anything to deceive people and keep them away from the Bible and the truth.
I pray and hope that many people will start to see and will read the Bible themselves and start to see and believe the truth of the Bible and Jesus Christ, our Lord and savior. 
Because the truth will set you free.
I wish you the best, and good luck in researching for truth.
- Prove all things, hold fast that which is good.
Link to my YouTube channel: Mediocre Monday
- Mediocre Monday

They have stolen your mind

They have stolen your mind.

They have stolen your mind by making you believe that we came from nothing out of nowhere. With no purpose, just because of coincidence.

They have stolen your mind by telling you that we evolved from dead material to single celled bacteria and then to monkeys.

They have stolen your mind by showing images of a ball earth in the darkness of space, and video's of a sattelite with a moving picture beneath it.

And above all:
... They have stolen your mind by making you believe there is no God.

- Mediocre Monday

Tuesday, April 12, 2016

NASA Caught Faking Space Wearing Harnesses

Again, proof that NASA fakes space. They wear harnesses to make the illusion of zero gravity. This video shows clearly that something that pulls the shirt of a supposed astronaut at the ISS

Source: http://jeugdjournaal.nl/uitzending/14191-zapp-weekjournaal-met-nos-jeugdjournaal.html

- Mediocre Monday