Friday, September 23, 2016

Flat Earth Documentary - Prove All Things

Flat Earth Documentary - Prove All Things
Parts of the documentary:

Intro 0:15

Part 1: We are being lied to 2:37
- NASA fakery 4:21
- We have been lied to about our moon 7:07
- Apollo astronauts won’t swear on the Bible 7:33
- The world has lied to us 9:45

Part 2: Basic questions and answers 11:42
- How directions work on the flat earth 11:48
- Solar and lunar eclipses 14:04
- How big the sun and the moon are 14:38
- How it works when a boat goes ‘’below the horizon’’ 14:28
- How the sun works on a flat plane 16:15
- What the stars are with ‘’scientific facts’’ 31:26
- How spacewalks are made 39:46

Part 3: Flat earth subliminals 41:35
- Breaking bad 41:39
- Simpsons the movie 42:17
- Under the dome 42:17
- The giver 43:06
- The West Wing 43:38
- Hemlock grove 44:47
- A few good men 45:04
- The hunger games: catching fire 45:32
- Game of thrones 46:07
- The Truman show 46:13
- Dark city 46:24

Part 4: The Bible 47:14
- The flat earth and the bible 47:22
- Job 38 50:24

Outro 54:53

Many thanks to: 58:16
Rob Durham
the Truth is stranger than fiction…
Others (because of indirect use): Eric Dubay, TheNASAchannel, Paul Cheeft, Russianvids, Bart Sibrel, Rob Skiba and Jhenningkelloggia

Music information:
4:21 B.o.B - Uncomfortable
5:54 Gunnar Olsen - Burner
14:04 Hot Chip - Motion Sickness
38:25 Riot - News room
58:07 It's all happening
The other songs in this documentary are in the original video's (in the description above are links)

1 Thessalonians 5:21
Prove all things; hold fast that which is good.

Made By:
- Mediocre Monday
Thank you for watching!

Monday, September 19, 2016

Research 9/11! Clues, Bush, Controlled demolitions, symbology and I pet Goat II

Research 9/11!
Clues, Bush, Controlled demolitions, symbology and I pet Goat II

It has been 15 years after the controlled demolition, and still many people are not aware of what really happened that day, so here another video about this event to reach more people to start researching.

Song at the end of video:
GhostRyder - "Fight the Good Fight" - Ft. Heather Dyer Pinson "New Christian Rap"

Made by:
- Mediocre monday

With all of your mind - song by Mediocre monday

With all of your mind - song by Mediocre monday

Improved version of the first song i have made.
What do you think about it? i would like to hear.


The god of this age has blinded the minds of unbelievers,
so that they cannot see the light of the gospel that displays the glory of Christ,
who is the image of God. For what we preach is not ourselves,
but Jesus Christ as Lord, and ourselves as your servants for Jesus’ sake.
For God, who said, “Let light shine out of darkness, made his light shine in our hearts to give us the light of the knowledge of God’s glory displayed in the face of Christ.’’

By watching all the news and tell-lie vision you’re being programmed.
Your thoughts have been destroyed by the things you do
and by the way you live, I hope you understand.
Unseen thoughts produce visible consequences.
How do we control our brainwork?
This are the choices that confront us:
Do you accept a thought and then express it?
Wrestle with it?
Or just deny it?
Or do you control your thoughts by the Holy spirit,
when you have the spirit of God you have the power to fight,
and the power to judge right.

Ref: Do you want to be programmed by the lies of this world,
or do you want to be programmed by the word of God?
the mind is the battlefield in your manly life,
what happens in your mind will affect every aspect in your daily life.
(((watch where you go, watch out for what you watch
love is giving, lust is taking (lust is breaking).
love is purity, lust is sin
love develops, lust destroys
love can wait, lust must have at any rate)))

You have to ask yourself, and analyse what you think,
This is something to rethink.
will these thoughts get me were I want to go?
Are all these thoughts scripturally acceptable?
Wil these ideas build me up or tear me down?
Do your thoughts fit who you are, as a follower of Jesus?
once you trust Jesus Christ as your saviour,
than some of your thought's are not in accordance with your behaviour,
and some places, words, thoughts, clothes, actions, and habits that don’t fit you.

this message is not been made to tear you down but to build you up,
so you can stand firm
Put to death, your earthly nature with all your evil desires
Because the wrath of God is coming.

Ref: Do you want to be programmed by the lies of this world,
or do you want to be programmed by the word of God?
the mind is the battlefield in your manly life,
what happens in your mind will affect every aspect in your daily life.
(((watch where you go, watch out for what you watch
love is giving, lust is taking (lust is breaking).
love is purity, lust is sin
love develops, lust destroys
love can wait, lust must have at any rate)))

It's time to put away the things that don't fit in life with Jesus Christ,
But seek His love.
keep seeking the things above,
when you seek you will find, with all of your mind.
you decide your victory or defeat in your thought.
Make wise decisions, do it all in the name of the Lord.
And you will learn with precision to make the right decision.
pray to God that he will put to death your old world vision.

It will take time, but after that you will have peace.
You have been raised with Christ, set your hearts on things above, where Christ is.
Set your mind on things above, not on earthly things.

(((watch where you go, watch out for what you watch
love is giving, lust is taking (lust is breaking).
love is purity, lust is sin
love develops, lust destroys
love can wait, lust must have at any rate))) (X2)

Written by:
- Mediocre Monday

No Forests on Earth | Avatar, Giant Trees and the Flat Earth

No Forests on Earth | Avatar, Giant Trees and the Flat Earth

Are there no forests on earth? You would say that this is a stupid idea, but after seeing the documentary: ''There are no forests on Flat Earth Wake Up'' strange enough it made more sense than the official explanation of the origin of mountains like devils tower.

I my opinion there are some very good points in this documentary.

If this is true, there are ''no forests' Because the trees we know would be as small as moss compared to these trees.

This video shows some of the connections.
What do you think?

Made by:
- Mediocre monday

Pokémon Go Madness - The Netherlands | They Live, We Sleep

Pokémon Go madness

Pokémon Go chaos at Kijkduin in the Netherlands because of a pokemon ''Blastoise''
It is madness how all those people walk like zombies and overrun the streets. Typical Zombie Sheep who are  playing  this game.

I'm surprised they didn't name it "Peek-Atchu".

- Mediocre Monday

Jesus Trough Whole Scripture | KING OF KINGS, AND LORD OF LORDS.

(Improved re-uploaded video)

Jesus Trough Whole Scripture | KING OF KINGS, AND LORD OF LORDS.

Jesus reveals Himself through Scripture. We see Him in each book of the Bible.

Revelation 19:16
And he hath on his vesture and on his thigh a name written, KING OF KINGS, AND LORD OF LORDS.

- Mediocre monday

Techniques that substitute satellites - Real Satellites Of NASA

Techniques that substitute satellites - Real Satellites Of NASA

This video is about balloons that are launched all over the world. these balloons  carry equipment. This is one of the ways NASA makes the illusion that satellites in outer space exist.
Other techniques that are being used to substitute satellites are:

1. GPS uses Cel-tower triangulation not Satellites
2 Undersea Cables
3. High Altitude Airships (HAA)
4. High Altitude Platforms (HAP)
5. Lighter-than-air vehicles (LAV)
6. High Altitude Long Endurance (HALE)
7. High Altitude Long Operation (HALO)
8. StratSat
9. Airborne Relay Communication (ARC)
10. HeliPlat which connects to the HeliNet System
11. High Altitude Shuttle System (HASS)
12. Small Balloon Systems (SBS)
13. Nano Balloon Systems (NBS)
14. Google Loon System
15. Stratospheric Platform Systems (SPS)
16. High Altitude Long Endurance Demonstrator (HALE-D)

Made by:
- Mediocre monday

Flat Earth destroys fear mongering propaganda

Flat Earth destroys fear mongering propaganda
Inspired by the video's of Dustin Gollehon.

- Mediocre monday

They want to control you with money wicked science

They want to control you with money wicked science

They are able to control us by making us believe in the big bang, evolution and heliocentrism. This is nothing more than wicked pseudo science told to us as fact. This can all be done with money.

At the end of the video there are links to other video's. The music used in this video is from the tv series Wicked science.

- Mediocre monday