Saturday, June 18, 2016

The Parable of the Man in the Hole

A modern parable that i wanted to share with you. This insightful video illustration examines the life of a man searching through the false promises of other religions and finding his salvation in Christ. At the end a part of a song of destiny lab about this story is added.

Have you ever found yourself stuck in a situation that you couldn’t get out of?  And not only that, but you didn’t know how to get out of.  When you need help, where do you turn?  How do you get out?  The culture believes that there are many paths in life we can take, but this video illustration demonstrates that none of them will ultimately help you out of your situation.

This reminds me of the famous story about CS Lewis where he proclaimed the most distinguishing fact of Christianity.  Here is a direct quote from Philip Yancey's, What's So Amazing About Grace? (Grand Rapids, Michigan: Zondervan Publishing House, 1997), p 45.

During a British conference on comparative religions, experts from around the world debated what, if any, belief was unique to the Christian faith. They began eliminating possibilities. Incarnation? Other religions had different versions of gods' appearing in human form. Resurrection? Again, other religions had accounts of return from death. The debate went on for some time until CS Lewis wandered into the room. "What's the rumpus about?" he asked, and heard in reply that his colleagues were discussing Christianity's unique contribution among world religions. Lewis responded, "Oh, that's easy. It's grace."

Grace makes Christianity unique from all other religions because it marks the stark difference in believing in a God that will come down into a hole and pull you out of your mess, verses a god that requires you to earn its approval.  When we search for God, the Bible promises that we will find Him.  The difference between Christianity and other religions can be explained by the words “Do” and “Done.”

Do – All other world religions have to do with good works or good deeds.  Reincarnation and Karma are major themes in world religions and they always point back to what you do with your life.

Done – Christianity points to what Jesus Christ has already done on the cross at Calvary.  His sacrifice on the cross is what brings a Christian salvation.  Jesus Christ is the only way to God, who comes down to meet us in our own messy lives, to build relationship with us and to save us from this life.  We are free because of the gospel of Jesus Christ.  It’s not our own righteousness that leads to salvation, but the free gift of grace.

Editing by:
- Mediocre Monday

Music: Destiny Lab:  THE MAN IN THE HOLE
Link to the whole song:
Channel Destiny Lab:

Used footage: A man fell in a hole:
Channel Bluefish TV:

Tuesday, June 14, 2016

Meaning Abbreviation ISS - Mediocre Monday

Meaning Abbreviation ISS

What the abbreviation ISS could mean:

Inflatable Scumbag station
International Super Scam
Idiot Sucker Ship
International Shit Stain
international satanic spacestation
Imaginary staging station
I Say So
International Scuba Station
In Satan's Service
Illuminati's Secret Sideshow
Idiots Seeking Science
Insanely Suspicious Structure
Illusionary shit station
Idiotic Space Shit
Insane Satanic Science
I See Simulations
I Smell Shit
Intentional Space Scam
Incredibly Stupid Stories
Israeli Shekels Supplier
International Space Simulator
Illuminati Scam Studio
Insanity subconsciously seeded
Impossible Science Station
In Studio Shot
International Shit System
Interdimesional slavery system
Intentionally Spewing Shit
Indocrinational Scifi Simulation
I Serve Satan
Inverted Scuba Station
International Shit Shack
Incomprehensible Spherical Science
Instant Space Suckers
Isolated Submerged Ship
Impossible Scientific Sarcasm
International Slave Scammer
Infantile Secret Society
Improbable Smoke Screen
I Should Subscribe ;)

Made by:
- Mediocre Monday

Monday, June 13, 2016

Meaning Abbreviation NASA - Mediocre Monday

Meaning Abbreviation NASA

Some of the creative interpretations of the abbreviation NASA:

No Actual Space Aviation
Not A Space Agency
Never A Straight Answer
Need Another Seven Astronots
No Answers Since Adam
Nazi's Are Still Ascending
Not A Science Agency
Nazis and some Aliens
Nazi American Satanic Agenda
National Academy of Space Actors
Nescient Atheists Space Abyss
New Age Satanic Agenda
Never Accept Satan's Answers
No actual space activities
Nazi's And Super Annoying
Nazis Analyzing Space Analogs
Need Another Scientific Answer
Nye assumes space aimlessly
No Authentic Spacefaring AstroNOTS
Never Ask Scientist Anything
Not A Single Astronaut
Numbly admitting shit allday
 Nah... Another Suspicious Acronym
No actual science applied
Not Another Stupid Acronym
No Actual Science Allowed
No Astronauts Should Apply
Not Around Sphere Acrobatics
Nice Artwork Stupid Asshole
Never Any Space Adventures
Nonsense Alternative Science Algorithms
National Academy of Space Actors
Not As Stuff Appears
Numerous annoying stupid assholes
Nazis and Scam Artists
Not All Scientist Agree
Academy of Staged aeronautics
Nye's Acting Stupid Again
Never Assume Simplified Affirmations
Nobody Accuses Satan's Authority
Numerous Amazingly Silly Answers
Nonsensical Administration of Scientific Ambiguity
Not Again, Stop Already
Not another scam already
Never any scientific accuracy
Not Actually Serving Anyone
No Actual Space Advancements
Never Announced Scientifically Anything
No Anti-gravity Space Air
Narcissists Advancing Satan's Agenda
Not Always Sane Administration
Nice Artistic Space Animation
Nothing About Space Above
Not A Shred of Account
Nazi American space Apes
Never Actually Showing Anything

Made by:
- Mediocre Monday